Lewe the Ewe Baby Quilt

Try not to smile when you see this custom handmade quilt! (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Try not to smile when you see this custom handmade quilt! (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Lewe the Ewe Handmade Baby Quilt

When I spend an afternoon at our local quilt guild’s bi-annual show, it is always intriguing to me what handmade quilts first catch my eye, and interest.

The Piece and Plenty Quilt Guild has a robust group of quilters who hold a show every other year. i can usually remember favorites from past shows, some which draw me just as much as new ones.

Lewe the Ewe Custom Handmade Baby Quilt certainly caught my eye. That ewe is happy, just look at the smile on its face. What caught my eye, though, was the fleece texture made out of chenille.

Looking at it closely you can better see how the chenille was added. What other fabrics do you think could have been used to add texture?

Chenille adds a third dimension to Lewe the Ewe Baby Quilt. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Chenille adds a third dimension to Lewe the Ewe Baby Quilt. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

The very detailed machine quilting also nicely added dimension. This would make an excellent wall hanging in a nursery and reminded me of one of my favorite sheep-themed baby quilts, One Sheep Two Sheep Baby Quilt. Our baby quilt also has the same raised, three-dimension to the sheep, which invites one to pet them.

Every handmade quilt has a story and this is Lewe the Ewe’s story:

One secret to easily making baby quilts, starting with a panel. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

One secret to easily making baby quilts, starting with a panel. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

And how can I pass up saying something about Lewe’s yellow friend and flowers. I have to confess, any bees also tend to catch my eye.

The bee and flowers add a happy note. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

The bee and flowers add a happy note. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

So many custom baby quilts I see these days start as pre-printed panels that can then be embellished to taste. Sometimes I see the same panel at craft shows sometimes side by side and that helps to highlight the creativity of the quilt maker. No two look exactly the same!


Windy City Bound

windy city quilt.jpg

Windy City Bound

Sometimes I wish my handmade quilts could talk. It’s not a sensible thought or even one that comes close to anthropomorphising my quilts, it’s more of a recognition of the adventure they are starting on.

That was the thought I had as I folded and boxed this Swirl Irish Chain handmade quilt. It’s headed to Chicago to be “in a production,” which isn’t saying much. Chicago is an established shooting location for a number of TV series and other shows.

As I looked at the design, a police show came to mind. Will this be on the protagonist’s bed or the final resting spot of some poor soul taken down by a criminal?

Maybe it will be in a heroine’s home and have a starring role as the actor is introduced at the beginning, and then again as the story is wrapped up at the end.

swirl irish chain quilt.jpg

This is a sweet handmade quilt, a combination of the traditional Irish chain pattern with a detailed quilted swirl that gives the quilt an extra dimension.

This was the last of these handmade quilts in our inventory so wishing it a good journey.

If you see the quilt in a production, would you let me know? Fun to keep an eye out for it!


Escaping Bugs Handmade Quilt

This pink snail first caught my eye on this charming handmade quilt. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

This pink snail first caught my eye on this charming handmade quilt. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Escaping Bugs Handmade Quilt

This had to be one of the more whimsical and fun handmade quilts at Piece and Plenty Quilt Guild’s October 2019 bi-annual quilt show in Rolla, Missouri. I enjoy these quilt celebrations because i get to see a variety of patterns and, better yet, stories that go with each of the handmade quilts.

When I think of this handmade quilt, i tend to first think about the jars. What a great way to use fun fabrics to fill up the jars, especially since I like all sorts of insects from butterflies to spiders.

Speaking of butterflies, in the upper left hand corner there is a Monarch butterfly caterpillar.

A Monarch butterfly-to-be is in the upper left corner. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

A Monarch butterfly-to-be is in the upper left corner. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

On the right side, a lovely applique spider is starting to spin her web in the corner.

When I think of bugs, I do separate them between good bugs, like honey bees and native bees, and bad bugs. Ticks fall into that category as do aphids and mealy bugs. Good thing those aren’t popular bug designs.

Lovely spider in the upper right hand quilt corner. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Lovely spider in the upper right hand quilt corner. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Not sure this qualifies as a bug but this little mouse is certainly joining the party. A purple button makes up its eye.

Not a bug but a cute mouse is also loose on this handmade quilt. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Not a bug but a cute mouse is also loose on this handmade quilt. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

I was wondering what compelled the quilter to make this charming buggy quilt. Here is Lillian Collin’s quilt story, in her own words:

Wouldn’t you love this handmade quilt if you were a little boy (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Wouldn’t you love this handmade quilt if you were a little boy (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

And now here is the Escaping Bugs Handmade Quilt with all of its escapees including a frog, dragonfly, lizard and the charming pink snail I featured at the top but actually hanging from the handmade quilt bottom:

Escaping Bugs Handmade Quilt with all of its visitors! (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Escaping Bugs Handmade Quilt with all of its visitors! (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Not sure what that one bug is on the second from the bottom row, my first thought is a tick.

This would make a great wall hanging in any little boy’s room, too!


Wildflowers Quilt Status

This is the popular Wildflowers Quilt in full and queen size. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

This is the popular Wildflowers Quilt in full and queen size. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Wildflowers Quilt Status

I have good news and bad news about this very popular applique floral handmade quilt.

I just checked with the supplier, who used to import them from India. This lovely, intricate all cotton applique quilt floral design has been discontinued and will not be offered again. There are a number of reasons including the very detailed applique of the different flowers.

On the other hand, we still have a nice supply of Wildflowers handmade quilt design in a 50x60 inch lap quilt throw size that can also be used as a quilted wall hanging. I have one hanging in my den.

Wildflowers lap quilt throw still available in the smaller size. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Wildflowers lap quilt throw still available in the smaller size. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

There are a lot of reasons why I love this brand new imported lap quilt. The applique flowers are very realistic which makes daydreaming about seeing flowers again - soon - is easier seeing this quilt. I live in the Midwest where winters are usually cold and dreary and devoid of any color. And flowers. Outside.

Another reason shy I love this Wildflowers lap quilt is that our customers have personalIzed Wildflowers Lap Quilt with embroidery in the different rectangle boxes, one each at the top and another one at the bottom. From names and wedding dates to favorite sayings, these handmade quilts have automatically generated gardens inside homes with no watering required.

When folded, this floral lap quilt adds a nice burst of color over the back of a chair and foot of the bed.

Happy gardening!


All Hearts Lap Quilt

One of a kind All Hearts Lap Quilt adds a sweet Valentine’s vibe to a room. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

One of a kind All Hearts Lap Quilt adds a sweet Valentine’s vibe to a room. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

All Hearts Lap Quilt

One of my customers was shopping for something for Valentine’s Day, something practical but still sweet enough for the February 14 lovers’ holiday.

We discussed several options including this one of a kind, All Hearts Lap Quilt which is big enough to cover two people sitting side by side.

If you look at standard lap quilts, which are 50”x60" inches, they cover one set of knees but not two. We take that into consideration when we make our custom handmade quilts and lap quilts, offering most of them in larger and custom sizes to accommodate their possible uses.

When we were discussing All Hearts Lap Quilt as a gift option, the customer came up with several ideas on how to personalize it. He could put family names in each heart with custom embroidery. He could put the names under each one of the unique embroidered hearts. Or he could collect favorite sayings and have those embroidered in some of the heart quilt blocks.

I also suggested he could add photos printed onto fabrics that could settle inside each of the hearts but he said his was a small family. In other words, not enough photos for all of the hearts.

I don’t know what option he is going to choose but it sounded like he had fun looking at his options. He was definitely “all heart.”


Bugs R Us Quilt

I found pollinators all over this native wildflowers quilt, just like in nature. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

I found pollinators all over this native wildflowers quilt, just like in nature. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Bugs R Us Quilt

This customer was looking for a handmade quilt with lots of bugs. We used to have an adorable lap quilt with ladybugs, butterflies and a bee or two but I didn't have one labelled as such. As I was reviewing our inventory, it struck me to check our wildflower quilts.

The first native wildflowers quilt turned up a whole slew, just like in nature!

Insects are the foundation of our interdependent ecosystem. 60% of all birds depend on insects for food. Some bugs are beneficial, such as ladybugs that eat damaging aphids. Others such as bees and butterflies are pollinators, increasing our varied foods by matchmaking for plants. One out of every three bites of healthy food we eat are courtesy of pollinators.

I was thinking about the important role of these tiny creatures as I started to look for them on the native wildflowers handmade quilt.

Blue butterfly on a yellow flower, sunflower or maybe Black eyed Susan. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Blue butterfly on a yellow flower, sunflower or maybe Black eyed Susan. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Some bugs have a special relationship with plants. Monarch butterflies depend on the different kinds of native milkweeds to nudge them up and down their migratory route from north American to Mexico and back. As the native milkweed dies back, that signals to the Monarchs its time for them to move on. Some Monarch butterflies take 3-4 generations to complete the migration while the Super Generation Monarchs complete their migration in one season.

Another butterfly visiting a larkspur branch. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Another butterfly visiting a larkspur branch. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Research today shows the best we can do to help Monarchs and other pollinators is plant more native trees, shrubs and flowers.

I recognized sunflowers, Black eyed Susans, bachelor buttons, daylilies, foxgloves, larkspur, bluebells and poppies on this applique handmade quilt. It made me miss my garden and all of its residents including turtles.

Yes, there’s a turtle on native wildflowers quilt.

The whole interdependent ecosystem, or handmade quilt. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

The whole interdependent ecosystem, or handmade quilt. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

I may just have to add this native wildflowers handmade quilt to my personal bed wardrobe. For winter days when I don’t get to see all of these on my hillside garden.


Raining Cats Dogs Handmade Quilt

Love those valiant mice in the center of this Raining Cats and Dogs handmade quilt. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins0

Love those valiant mice in the center of this Raining Cats and Dogs handmade quilt. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins0

Raining Cats Dogs Handmade Quilt

No surprise to anyone who knows me that this would be one of my favorite handmade quilts. This was an entry in the 2017 Piece and Plenty Quilt Guild Bi-annual quilt show. I love the details, from the tiny green trees and mice to the animal faces.

What makes this custom handmade quilt even more intriguing is how it was made. The quilt group members each added a row, not seeing the final product until everyone was done.

Can you imagine? Could you do it?

Raining Cats and Dogs handmade quilt story of how it was made. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Raining Cats and Dogs handmade quilt story of how it was made. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

I think I would be tempted to run off with each of the handmade quilt rows. This is one of the rows for the dogs, floppy-eared happy pups courtesy of eye and nose buttons. I won’t look at buttons the same again!

Fun eye buttons and noses on these patchwork dogs with bone charms. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Fun eye buttons and noses on these patchwork dogs with bone charms. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

On another row, the feline additions, from favorite toys and food to the charming cats themselves. Some handmade quilts with repeated patterns change out details on the patterns only, like using different fabrics.

For these cats, their faces change expression from one quilt cat block to the next.

On the other side, cats with a variety of facial expressions. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

On the other side, cats with a variety of facial expressions. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Finally, it’s all pulled together and quilted, making this “rain” a fun experience. So much fun, Lee Linebarger!

The whole quilt with all of the rows together. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

The whole quilt with all of the rows together. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

I would love to participate in something like this although I don’t know how well i would do not peeking. Or repurposing the quilt blocks for something else. These cat blocks would make fun throw pillows.

And my favorite block, this charming cat! (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

And my favorite block, this charming cat! (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)



Eleven Reasons Custom Handmade Quilts Take Time

This is a sample custom quilt profile we offer for customers who decide to give a custom quilt but can’t get it finished in time. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

This is a sample custom quilt profile we offer for customers who decide to give a custom quilt but can’t get it finished in time. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Eleven Reasons Custom Handmade Quilts Take Time

Every once in awhile a potential custom quilt customers asks the question why a custom quilt takes 90 days to make. The answer is simple: they are truly handmade. There’s no big factory, no assembly line, no cookie cutter pattern. All of our custom handmade quilts are unique to the customer and made by hand here in Missouri, USA.

The following are the eleven reasons why custom handmade quilts take time:

  1. Our custom handmade quilts are made to a customer’s specifications. It can take a customer who isn’t used to making a handmade quilt extra time to decide on the details such as handmade quilt colors. The colors depend on a variety of factors including sneaking into the recipient’s bedroom to see what colors they have on the walls.

  2. The second step is choosing the pattern. We rarely make traditional patterns so its up to the customer to tell us what message they want to convey through the custom handmade quilt and we go from there.

  3. Probably the longest step for the customer is deciding what photos to include. The number can depend on the size of photos and the kind of quilt layout they choose for their custom handmade quilt. Collages are the easiest way to include the most photos so that can take some time for the customer to compile and ship to us.

  4. If the custom handmade quilt is being made out of someone’s clothes, that step also can take time. We advise customers who are sending us clothes from departed family members to take their time, this becomes part of the grieving process. We listen carefully to the stories they share and try to reflect that in the custom quilts we made for them.

  5. If the custom quilt is being made out of someone’s clothing, we like to include a photo somewhere on the custom quilt. Deciding on the one photo can take time.

  6. If the customer wants to add a saying or dedication, that can also take time for the customer to decide what to include. We sometimes make suggestions but usually customers have something that strikes them as perfect for the memory.

  7. Then there is what font and size for any custom embroidery, which also requires several decisions prior to any work getting started. That way, the custom embroidery is included in the quilt piecing and doesn’t show up on the back of the custom quilt.

  8. Quilt batting is what is in the middle of the quilt, giving it warmth. Traditional handmade quilts are all cotton. The majority of contemporary quilts are a mix of cotton and polyester batting, while others are all lightweight polyester. We offer another option, renewable and sustainable bamboo which is very light, similar to cotton but not as damaging to the environment to process.

  9. Custom handmade quilts can be made reversible if the customer chooses something besides a white fabric for the backing. Sometimes a customer has a great fabric they want and they order it and ship it to us.

  10. What kind of quilting is another decision step, from a pattern overall design to one of my favorites, a meandering machine quilting.

  11. Then there are the customers who try to sneak a photo, or two, in after the final design has been approved and work has begun. We try to accommodate if we can but once the piecing is started, the only way to add something is to go back to the drawing board and redesign the layout.

Once we get started on the quilt piecing, the process goes relatively quickly. We send the customer photos once the custom quilt top is finished; or both the top and bottom if there are two custom quilt sides.

After the photo review, it is quilting time, basically finishing the custom handmade quilt.

There are at least four people involved in this process and every one has to fit in the custom quilt into their schedule of other custom work.

We are proud of the final product and we are sure no one else will have a handmade quilt like the one we make for you.


Women of Substance Handmade Quilt

Women of Substance Handmade Quilt was an award winner in 2017. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Women of Substance Handmade Quilt was an award winner in 2017. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Women of Substance Handmade Quilt

I don’t know too many people who use this expression “women of substance” these days but it has a specific meaning.

Dictionary.com notes this expression means "substantial or solid character or quality." Other definitions include "consistency, body" and "something that has separate or independent existence." 

Based on these definitions, a woman of substance would be a woman who has strong character, is consistent, has more to her than meets the eye and has a variety of interests outside and within her home and family, according to “Our Every Day Life. “ They note “she is interesting to get to know; she possesses a depth of personality and character.”

So it will come as no surprise that these women of substance referred to in this handmade quilt where the women in the suffrage movement, working to get women the right to vote. The custom handmade quilt was entered into Piece and Plenty’s Quilt Guild October 2017 Rolla, Mo. bi-annual show.

Women of Substance Handmade Quilt flower blocks are each unique. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Women of Substance Handmade Quilt flower blocks are each unique. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

From the handmade quilt name I was expecting to see the names of the 12 women honored. Instead, there are twelve handmade patchwork quilt blocks with red patterned fabrics.

Gana Harris, St. James, Mo. both pieced and quilted this custom handmade quilt for her oldest daughter. It crossed my mind when I saw this handmade quilt that Mom is passing on some strong character qualities presenting this quilt as a gift for her daughter.

Each handmade quilt has a story and this is the story of Women of Substance Handmade Quilt, (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Each handmade quilt has a story and this is the story of Women of Substance Handmade Quilt, (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Besides the lovely custom quilt details, Women of Substance Handmade Quilt is hand quilted, giving the quilt a lovely three-dimension.

This handmade quilt is dedicated to a period in history close to when another traditional patchwork quilt got its start, double wedding ring quilt like this Vintage Double Wedding Ring Cutter Quilt.

Apparently the Piece and Plenty Quilt Guild judges agreed, this custom handmade quilt won first prize.

Women of Substance Handmade Quilt won first place at the local quilt festival. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Women of Substance Handmade Quilt won first place at the local quilt festival. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Ok, now how many of the 12 women suffrage women can you name. I’ll start.

Susan B. Anthony.

Now it’s your turn!


Owl in Maze Handmade Quilt

This patchwork owl is certainly the center of this handmade quilt. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

This patchwork owl is certainly the center of this handmade quilt. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Owl in Maze Handmade Quilt

Our record hot temperatures haven’t dampened the evening sounds of an owl living in the woods surrounding my Missouri home.

I heard it again last night, clearly announcing his presence among the oak leaves where squirrels were snacking on green pears out of my nearby Bartlett pear fruit tree. It usually crosses my mind to try to spot the owl in fall, when the leaves are off trees and the owl may be easier to spot.

The sounds reminded me of this Owl in Maze Handmade Quilt featured at the 2017 Piece and Plenty Quilt Guild Show in Rolla, Mo.

The custom, patchwork handmade quilt features one owl smack dab in the quilt middle surrounded by what I assumed were modern versions of leaves.

And the little owl?

The owl looks a little scared close up, doesn’t he. Or at least startled. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

The owl looks a little scared close up, doesn’t he. Or at least startled. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Interesting how one’s perspective on the owl changes from looking at it from a distance compared to a handmade quilt close up. From a distance the owl seems settled in his perch; close up he looks a little less sure of himself. Or is that just me.

The other interesting element in this custom handmade quilt were the trapezoid leaf shapes. Not only do the form an interesting border throughout the handmade quilt center but I wondered how hard they were to add.

The quilter herself adds to the story here:

Glad to see the trapezoid shapes were fun to make, I was beginning to wonder. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Glad to see the trapezoid shapes were fun to make, I was beginning to wonder. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

I would be glad to have this little custom owl quilt hanging around my house any day!


Pink Large Blocks Handmade Quilt

You can better enjoy the patterns in the cotton flannel handmade quilt blocks. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

You can better enjoy the patterns in the cotton flannel handmade quilt blocks. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Pink Large Blocks Handmade Quilt

Sometimes it’s very easy to fall in love with fabrics, which is what inspired us to make this one of a kind Pink Large Blocks Handmade Quilt.

Following the design of our custom baby rag quilts, Pink Large Blocks Handmade Quilt is a handmade custom one of a king lap quilt throw size 50x60 inches, a good size for that small child to grow into and still have a baby quilt around.

The handmade quilt has a variety of all cotton flannel multi-patterned designs, which sometimes get lost in smaller block sizes. The patterns are easy to see in these larger custom quilt blocks, which are finished with hand cut ragged edges.

The all cotton flannel was washed before cut into quilt blocks to ensure the quilt blocks are soft to the touch.

Each handmade flannel baby quilt block is sewn at a diagonal to keep the cotton flannel rugged over the years.

This little toy lamb will keep the handmade baby quilt company on its trip. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

This little toy lamb will keep the handmade baby quilt company on its trip. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

We offer our handmade baby quilts with a free toy to carry good wishes. And what did we pair with this sweet handmade baby quilt?

A little white lamb toy, also soft to the touch with a matching pink nose.

Oh. And a matching pink bow.

But it really was the pink nose.


Precious Moments Baby Crib Handmade Quilt Gift Set

Unique baby crib quilt gift set includes a quilt and Precious Moments figurine. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Unique baby crib quilt gift set includes a quilt and Precious Moments figurine. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Precious Memories Baby Crib Handmade Quilt Gift Set

One of Missouri’s successful gift companies is the Precious Memories collection of cards, figurines and other related collectibles started in 1978 by illustrator Sam J. Butcher. His signature illustrations feature teardrop eye characters with sweet positive sentiments now recognized worldwide.

What began as gifts for friends expanded into an extensive line of collectibles with the help of Enesco Company, which made the Precious Moment figurine we added to this one of a kind, made in USA Precious Moment Baby Crib Quilt Gift set.

The approximately 5-inch pre-loved porcelain figures are standing on either side of a tree trunk with two bluebirds perched on top. “I love you” is carved in the center of the tree trunk. The Enesco #-3116 figurine is called “Thee I Love” A Girl and Boy Standing Around A Tree and the value of the collectible figurine ranges from $20-$60.

I wasn’t concerned about the value, I just liked the little bluebirds on top and was happy to find something to keep our Precious Moments Baby Crib quilt.

Precious Moments Enesco figurine with two bluebirds Enesco E-3116. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Precious Moments Enesco figurine with two bluebirds Enesco E-3116. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

The brand new baby crib quilt features printed Precious Moments panels with an alphabet theme. C is for cat with a cute yellow cat that reminded me of my yellow Shirley Honey hanging off the blue green letter.

Doesn’t this cat look a little worried?

Love these doe-eyed characters, this one a frightened feline. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Love these doe-eyed characters, this one a frightened feline. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Another charming Precious Moments bear keeps the letter B company.

This bear stands in for another favorite alphabet letter. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

This bear stands in for another favorite alphabet letter. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

There is space under each one of the alphabet panels to add custom embroidery to personalize this lightweight baby crib quilt.

There is also a 3-inch space at the bottom where a baby’s name and birth date can be added with custom embroidery.

Baby quilt border has space for custom embroidery. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Baby quilt border has space for custom embroidery. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

This baby crib quilt has bright pastel colors that will stand the test of time in the washer.

The backing of this baby crib quilt is white and soft.

Let us know what you want on the free gift card and we will be glad to ship it to a different destination for you. Truly a sweet, precious baby gift idea!


Nine Patch Photo Quilt

Traditional quilt patchwork with printed photos makes a great memory quilt. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Traditional quilt patchwork with printed photos makes a great memory quilt. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Nine Patch Photo Quilt

If you are just starting to make handmade quilts, you will recognize this basic, beginning patchwork quilt design, the nine patch. This beginning patchwork handmade quilt design features a basic design with nine same size boxes. To change the design, the quilter selects different colored fabrics, sometimes adding multi-patterned cottons with solids or multi-patterned cottons with solid colored fabrics.

This is an updated tribute to those first handmade quilts only this handmade quilt uses the nine patch for the corners and incorporates photo memories as the main handmade quilt blocks.

The customer for this handmade quilt embellished her photo blocks with cute stickers that represented the people in the handmade quilt blocks, from flowers to books and other mementos.

These photos blocks had embelishments on the corners. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

These photos blocks had embelishments on the corners. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

A small multi-patterned pink cotton with small white flowers merged the photo quilt blocks into the overall pattern. Sometimes it is challenging to select the right fabric but we advise to pick something simple and neutral so the custom photo blocks stand out on the handmade quilt.

The custom photo quilt blocks were printed as the customer provided them. They were designed on standard 8.5 x 11 inch white paper and we cut the quilt blocks down to size. We use a unique printable muslin cotton that nicely maintains the photo colors through cold water washing.

In case you are wondering, all of the original photos are returned once they are printed onto our custom photo fabric.

Here’s the handmade nine patch photo quilt top ready for quilting. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Here’s the handmade nine patch photo quilt top ready for quilting. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

The customer also provided the photo layout so they had each one of the photo memories in the right spots on the handmade quilt.

I can imagine a child spread across this handmade photo quilt pouring over the photos, can’t you?


Dick and Jane Handmade Baby Quilt

Do these illustrations and sentences ring a bell? (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Do these illustrations and sentences ring a bell? (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Dick and Jane Handmade Baby Quilt

If you were learning to read in the 1930s through the 1960s, the Dick and Jane books were part of your reading list.

According to Wikipedia, Dick and Jane are the main characters in popular readers written by William S. Gray and Zerna Sharp. The main characters, Dick and Jane, were a little boy and girl. Supporting characters included Baby (or Sally), Mother, Father, Spot (originally a cat in the 1930s, but a dog in later editions), Puff the cat, and Tim the teddy bear. They first appeared in the Elson-Gray Readers used in the 1930s, which themselves were heavily revised and enlarged editions of the Elson Readers originally produced by William H. Elson in the 1920s.

The simple but distinctive illustrations for the books were done by artists Eleanor Campbell and Keith Ward. Robert Childress  did the 1950s illustrations, which are the ones featured in this Dick and Jane baby crib quilt printed fabric panel.

A variety of Dick and Jane illustrations are on the front quilt panel. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

A variety of Dick and Jane illustrations are on the front quilt panel. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Keeping with the theme of the baby crib quilt being based on beginning readers, the backing of this made in US custom baby crib quilt features some of the sentences in the book.

Practice reading with the back panel of Dick and Jane baby crib quilt. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Practice reading with the back panel of Dick and Jane baby crib quilt. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Dick and Jane Baby Crib Quilt has lightweight and sustainable bamboo for filling, making this a lightweight and warm baby quilt.

To personalize, it would be easiest to add an embroidered patch sewn on the back. Another option would be to select a block and add custom embroidery under the Dick and Jane Baby Crib Quilt block.

I can just see a beginning reader curling up with Dick and Jane baby crib quilt and reading along with the sentences on the back!


Gift of Applique Handmade Quilt

Gift of Applique Handmade Quilt is actually a gift that keeps on giving. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Gift of Applique Handmade Quilt is actually a gift that keeps on giving. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Gift of Applique Handmade Quilt

I suspect one of the reasons I love tulip-themed handmade quilts is that for years I didn’t plant them in my Missouri hillside garden. Besides having to try to blast holes in the rock to even have a place to plant the bulbs, the few that I did add were quickly consumed by visiting deer. It just didn’t seem worth the effort.

When I saw this Gift of Applique Handmade Quilt at the local quilt guild bi-annual show, I as immediately drawn to the colors. The bright burgundy and greens made the traditional applique design striking, especially from afar.

As I got closer, the detailed machine quilting added very nice details including the daisy flowers in the burgundy quilt block corners.

Look at the detailed quilting in Gift of Applique Handmade Quilt. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Look at the detailed quilting in Gift of Applique Handmade Quilt. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

What prompted the quilter to select this color combination and applique design? I wonder about those choices when I see handmade quilts. Gift of Applique Handmade Quilt has an interesting history, which as you can imagine started with a gift.

The story behind the Gift of Applique Handmade Quilt, (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

The story behind the Gift of Applique Handmade Quilt, (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

On a side note, tulips are a popular handmade quilt design. The one we carry from the Williamsburg Collection Pink Applique Tulips is based on a pattern Europeans brought to North America when the immigrated in the 1600s. The Pink Applique Tulips quilt shows tulips with a different color range on each flower, making me wonder if this is artistic license or if the tulips featured where different back then and lost through the centuries.

Regardless of tulip history, Gift of Applique Handmade Quilt has another surprise. It won second prize in its category at the 2017 Piece and Plenty Quilt Guild Show in Rolla, Mo.

Gift of Applique Handmade Quilt won an award! (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Gift of Applique Handmade Quilt won an award! (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

What a fitting way to honor the work of Ruby Work, the original quilt maker, and that of quilter Sara Wright, who was thoughtful enough to share the Gift of Applique Handmade quilt history.

Every handmade quilt has a story. Part of the delight is finding the details!


Personalized Pastel ABC Baby Quilt

One way to personalize a baby quilt is to add baby’s name and birth date. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

One way to personalize a baby quilt is to add baby’s name and birth date. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Personalized Pastel ABC Baby Quilt

I am using this Pastel ABC handmade baby quilt as an example; the principles are the same, which is how to make a handmade quilt personal.

For baby quilts, the easiest way to make a handmade baby quilt personal is to add custom embroidery. There are several combinations possible, the most popular being the baby’s first and middle name, then the birth date.

Some customers also chose to add just a first name, others add the first and last names, and then some have added first, middle and last name.

If you don’t have enough time to get custom embroidery, which can take a couple of weeks, then chose a complimentary toy. The best toy is a baby rattle in complimentary colors to the handmade baby quilt.

Another way to make a handmade baby quilt personal is to add a complimentary toy. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Another way to make a handmade baby quilt personal is to add a complimentary toy. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

If you have access to a family photo, a nice way to personalize this handmade baby quilt would be to add a framed family photo.

To make sure our customers have the information they need, each customer gets a personalized quilt care guide outlining how to wash, dry and store the handmade baby quilt. The name, size and type of handmade quilt is listed on the back of the card.

How do you personalize your handmade quilts?


Yellow Blue Double Wedding Ring King Quilt

Blue and yellow are favorite wedding quilt color combinations. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Blue and yellow are favorite wedding quilt color combinations. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Yellow Blue Double Wedding Ring King Quilt

It’s getting to be that time of year again, and by that I mean June, the leading wedding month and when I get asked what handmade quilts I recommend as wedding gifts.

I myself like to give double wedding ring quilts and throws, a lovely traditional patchwork quilt that can easily be updated by the colors, and designs, that form the double wedding rings.

One of my favorites is this Yellow Blue Double Wedding Ring King Quilt, which offers several advantages over other traditional double wedding ring quilts. Double wedding ring handmade quilts became popular in the 1930s and continued their popularity for their sentimental pattern - a double wedding ring - as well as allowing for the use of scrap fabric to form the double wedding rings.

Over the years, some alternations have been made to the overall patchwork design but the original pattern continues to be an all-time favorite wedding gift.

First, this brand new imported double wedding ring quilt has several favorite bedroom fabric colors including blue, yellow and green multi-patterned cottons. This wedding ring quilt should fit into most home bedroom decors.

Secondly, the California king size 122x105 is generous and nicely fits most king size beds. Now that we add padding to mattresses, it’s helpful to select a larger quilt that will nicely cover the additional size. This king quilt has a generous pillow tuck so no shams are needed.

I like having my quilts reversible so I can use both sides. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

I like having my quilts reversible so I can use both sides. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Now for my favorite feature in new handmade quilts, Yellow Blue Double Wedding Ring King Quilt is reversible, giving two home decor looks in one.

The back of this extra large handmade quilt features a printed floral fabric with a lemony green background. Since most US bedrooms are blue, this should nicely fit into bedroom decor and change things up as the seasons pass.

Detailed machine quilting gives this wedding quilt extra dimension. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Detailed machine quilting gives this wedding quilt extra dimension. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Finally, the very detailed machine quilting will be forgiving of youngsters jumping on the bed, dogs rolling and any friendly wrestling that may take place. Many traditional handmade quilts have either quilting only around the double wedding rings or hand quilting, which is delicate to extended pressure.

So for these reasons Yellow Blue Double Wedding Ring King Quilt is my recommendation for a wedding gift. Or, to put this another way, all customers who have purchased this handmade wedding quilt in the past agree with me!


Diamond Hexies Handmade Quilt

Fun to see how the different fabrics were blended into this handmade quilt. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Fun to see how the different fabrics were blended into this handmade quilt. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Diamond Hexies Handmade Custom Quilt

When I think of hexagons in a handmade quilt, I think of Flower Garden handmade quilts like Vintage Martha’s Flower Garden custom handmade quilt. Diamond Hexies handmade custom quilt is a new take on the use of paper pieced hexagons and I love the overall look.

Diamond Hexies custom handmade quilt was featured during Piece and Plenty’s bi-annual quilt festival October 2019 in Rolla, Missouri.

If you are a beekeeper, Diamond Hexies custom handmade quilt will remind you of a frame of bee bread where bees store flower pollen in honey for later use. Think of it as a bee’s larder for feeding baby bees.

If you look at the various hexagon collections, within each block there are different fabrics, all scraps from the quilt maker’s fabric stashes. Although I understand the attraction of buying new fabric, using fabric scraps is more attuned to the spirit of original handmade quilts, which were made from clothing and home decor fabrics, a true repurposing.

Close up of the different fabrics used in this custom handmade quilt. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Close up of the different fabrics used in this custom handmade quilt. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Diamond Hexies custom handmade quilt, as most quilts do, has its own back story.

The story behind this hexagonal handmade quilt. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

The story behind this hexagonal handmade quilt. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

One of the thoughts I have had over the many years is to spend one winter making teeny tiny flower garden handmade quilts out of very little hexagons.

I may still do it!


Sadies Roses Handmade Quilt

Unusual colors for a rose quilt, aquamarine fabrics against white. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Unusual colors for a rose quilt, aquamarine fabrics against white. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Sadies Roses Handmade Quilt

There is no such thing as a blue rose, which is what initially caught my eye about this Sadies Rose Handmade Quilt at Piece and Plenty Quilt Guild’s 2017 bi-annual quilt festival in Rolla, Mo. Over the years, aquamarine has also been a favorite personal clothing color so finding them combined in this handmade quilt was doubly-enticing.

The design of this Sadies Roses handmade quilt is more modern than the traditional roses quilts like Vintage Yellow Roses quilt.

Looking closer at this more modern handmade quilt design, the rose blocks reminded me of some I have seen featured in Baltimore Album handmade quilts, where each of the quilt blocks is different.

Instead of varying the design, Sadies Roses handmade quilt features the same applique design in each of the handmade quilt blocks.

Meandering machine quilting finishes off this rose-themed handmade quilt, (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Meandering machine quilting finishes off this rose-themed handmade quilt, (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Because this is not a traditional handmade quilt, the quilt maker gave the Sadies Roses handmade quilt blocks more color by making the centers yellow. Rose buds in aqua blue border the roses as well as wrap around the edge of the handmade quilt.

As far as this handmade quilt’s story, there are several starting with where the quilter found the quilt pattern.

Each quilt has a story and this is Sadies Rose handmade quilt story. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Each quilt has a story and this is Sadies Rose handmade quilt story. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Although there is little more information about why she was disappointed with the machine quilting, the handmade quilt itself was nicely recognized.

Another surprise, this is an award-winning handmade quilt, (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Another surprise, this is an award-winning handmade quilt, (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Considering the competition at this quilt festival, third place is a very nice placement for a handmade quilt with “disappointing” quilting!


Blue Owl Handmade Quilt Wall Hanging

The Blue Owl Handmade Quilt at the entrance of the Kimmswick, Mo. Restaurant. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

The Blue Owl Handmade Quilt at the entrance of the Kimmswick, Mo. Restaurant. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Blue Owl Handmade Quilt Wall Hanging

It’s easy to overlook because it is hanging right at the restaurant entrance, where people are usually waiting to get in.

Although protected by glass, the Blue Owl handmade Quilt Wall hanging is a warm, inviting handmade quilt that tells a special story all of its own.

This handmade quilt celebrates a very special event. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

This handmade quilt celebrates a very special event. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

The Blue Owl Handmade Quilt Wall Hanging is a contemporary version of a traditional friendship quilt, where every block is made by a different person to commemorate a special event, or just a special relationship among friends. Many friendship quilts I have seen over the years were made by church groups to mark special events such as weddings, anniversaries and birthdays.

The designs in the Blue Owl Handmade Quilt Wall Hanging are not complicated. As a matter of fact, many are the same quilt design. What makes them unique is how each one of the people who personalized the handmade quilt blocks with not only their name but something that embellished the quilt block design.

Each block has an embroidered name to personalize it. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

Each block has an embroidered name to personalize it. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

The pink and blue color scheme of this handmade quilt reminds me of similar colors in our Pink Sunbonnet Sue handmade quilt. The pink borders are more of a raspberry than a mauve pink and the blue accents compliment the name of the Kimmswick, Missouri restaurant with its signature apple pie. See the tiny Mile High Apple Pie in the bottom left corner of the quilt bloc on the right?

In addition to celebrating an anniversary, this charming friendship quilt honors when the restaurant first opened.

The Blue Owl Restaurant and Bakery handmade quilt block. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

The Blue Owl Restaurant and Bakery handmade quilt block. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

And to honor it’s name, the handmade quilt has cute little blue owls among the quilt blocks, nicely matching the restaurant’s own mascot.

The Blue Owl Restaurant sign at Kimmswick, Mo. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

The Blue Owl Restaurant sign at Kimmswick, Mo. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)

As spring flooding continues throughout the midwest this year, I hope the levies hold and keep Kimmswick and this charming restaurant safe and dry.

I am looking forward to going back and sampling some of the other delicious deserts that this charming restaurant has to offer.
