Raining Cats Dogs Handmade Quilt
/Love those valiant mice in the center of this Raining Cats and Dogs handmade quilt. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins0
Raining Cats Dogs Handmade Quilt
No surprise to anyone who knows me that this would be one of my favorite handmade quilts. This was an entry in the 2017 Piece and Plenty Quilt Guild Bi-annual quilt show. I love the details, from the tiny green trees and mice to the animal faces.
What makes this custom handmade quilt even more intriguing is how it was made. The quilt group members each added a row, not seeing the final product until everyone was done.
Can you imagine? Could you do it?
Raining Cats and Dogs handmade quilt story of how it was made. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)
I think I would be tempted to run off with each of the handmade quilt rows. This is one of the rows for the dogs, floppy-eared happy pups courtesy of eye and nose buttons. I won’t look at buttons the same again!
Fun eye buttons and noses on these patchwork dogs with bone charms. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)
On another row, the feline additions, from favorite toys and food to the charming cats themselves. Some handmade quilts with repeated patterns change out details on the patterns only, like using different fabrics.
For these cats, their faces change expression from one quilt cat block to the next.
On the other side, cats with a variety of facial expressions. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)
Finally, it’s all pulled together and quilted, making this “rain” a fun experience. So much fun, Lee Linebarger!
The whole quilt with all of the rows together. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)
I would love to participate in something like this although I don’t know how well i would do not peeking. Or repurposing the quilt blocks for something else. These cat blocks would make fun throw pillows.
And my favorite block, this charming cat! (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)