It's Snowing Handmade Quilt
/Love the way the scarf has a little movement in the patchwork quilt design.
It's Snowing Handmade Quilt
This may sound silly but I got into a lively discussion with a very young man earlier today while waiting at a hardware store. The question was how cold does it have to get before one can make a good snowman.
His contention was that there is no bad time to make a snowman. I didn't disagree with the sentiment but at what temperature, I asked, does snow not pack enough to hold a shape.
This 10-year old had it all figure out, down to bringing a spray water bottle with him to add a little moisture if the snow needed it. I admired his tenacity but when the temperatures dip below zero, that's too cold to be doing much of anything outside even in a snowy garden, which makes this charming "It's Snowing" handmade quilt a great way to bring a snowman inside. Make that four snowmen!
Here's the handmade quilt with all four blocks making a charming quilted wall hanging.
I know the piecer and quilter of this quilt so this becomes special just for that reason.
In addition, though, I love how the patchwork scarf has movement instead of just sitting on the snowman's neck. Patchwork quilts are based on geometric designs so to see a simple square turn into movement is a nice touch.
The other part of this handmade quilt story? Well, see for yourself in the posted story at Piece and Plenty Quilt Guild's fall 2017 show in Rolla, Mo.:
See, there's hope for those of us with unfinished projects still around!
For those of you who may not know, UFOs are unfinished projects and I have a few of those myself so this will be further inspiration to get some of mine done.
Nice job, Loretta!