Vintage Grandma's Flower Garden Quilt Secret
/Isn't this a pretty version of the traditional Grandma's Flower Garden quilt?
Vintage Grandma's Flower Garden Quilt Secret
I suppose it's no surprise to anyone who knows me that flower quilts are one of my favorite patterns. No, I have to confess, flower quilts ARE my favorite patterns and grandma's flower garden is one of the all-timers.
Of all of the handmade quilts I have made over the years, I still have a Grandma's Flower Garden quilt I started when I was 15 years old. Took me about 35 years before I finished it but it is done, each block from a favorite fabric that was some clothing my mother made me, or fabric that was incorporated into something else in the household. If those fabric blocks could talk!
One of the traditions in quilting is that no quilt is perfect and this vintage grandma's flower garden quilt is no exception. It is beautifully made, don't get me wrong but the quilter made sure the tradition of the handmade quilt not being exactly perfect was maintained.
Do you see it?
The secret of this vintage grandma's flower garden quilt is in the tradition it keeps.
In one of the flower garden patchwork blocks. one of the flower pink flower petals is darker than the rest. It's the only one on the whole quilt, and a definite nod to the tradition that the quilt is not perfectly made so as not to be arrogant enough to assume that one could even make a perfect quilt.
I love the colors in this quilt so as far as I am concerned, it's perfect. Shsssss. That's our secret, too!