Hummingbirds Handmade Quilt
/This is a hummingbird handmade quilt, do you see the hummingbirds? (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)
Hummingbirds Handmade Quilt
The first reports are coming in, the scout hummingbirds have made it to mid-Missouri and are now checking out the area gardens. Hummingbirds migrate to Central and South America in fall to winter over in their summer season. Then as those continents move into their fall and winter, the tiny birds made their way back to North America.
Just their migratory patterns are amazing, these little birds require a lot of carbs to keep their tiny wings beating at 103 flaps per second.
I was thinking about this migratory pattern as I spotted this Hummingbirds Handmade Quilt featured at the 2017 bi-annual Piece and Plenty Quilt Guild Show in Rolla, Mo.
It took me a few seconds to recognize what pattern represented the hummingbirds. Do you see them?
The story behind this hummingbirds handmade quilt. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)
They are easier to see surrounding the Hummingbirds Handmade Quilt center block, which looks like a modern columbine. As I looked at this center block, the blue hummingbirds made their appearance as they “fly” into the flowers.
Love the center flowers, I assume columbines. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)
Looking closer at Hummingbirds Handmade Quilt one can see the very detailed machine quilting that adds a lovely dimension to this custom, brand new quilt.
The quilt border is also very pretty with blue morning glories enticing the hummingbirds for a visit.
Hummingbirds, butterflies and bees, the largest of the pollinator groups, are among the pollinators that help plants reproduce and produce the variety of foods we currently have in our diet.
Excuse me, I now have to go make up some hummingbird syrup for the new arrivals!