Santa's Workshop Quilt Throw Wall Hanging
/Santa's Workshop Quilt throw wall hanging quickly turns any room into a very busy place!
Santa Workshop Quilt Throw Wall Hanging
I really should have a Santa's Workshop Quilt Throw Wall Hanging in my business office, sometimes it feels like I am another one of those little pointed-ear workers madly trying to get projects done - hopefully, in time!
This charming, all cotton imported from India lap quilt throw features very detailed applique and embroidered elves, some working on favorite holiday traditions. One of the reasons I love lap quilt throws is that they can so quickly change the decor of a room, either by hanging them or tossing one over the back of an easy chair or sofa.
This one would definitely be fun as a holiday quilt wall hanging in a den, entryway or sewing room.
Did you grow up with trains under the Christmas tree? So did I and this elf is putting the finishing touches on a train for a good little boy, or girl.
This applique elf in santa's workshop quilt throw wall hanging looks like he's almost finished.
Now most of our Christmases growing up where on the Equator so for Christmas we usually got a new swimsuit. That didn't prevent us, however, from wondering about the kids who were given ice skates for Christmas.
This elf is lacing a set of skates in santa's workshop quilt throw all hanging. Love his smile!
This next elf made me chuckle. Having grown up with slide rulers and telescopes, I am sure this is one of Santa's engineering elfs!
This elf is wood-working in santa's workshop quilt throw all hanging, love the ruler in his pocket.
And finally last, but not least, what does this elf look like to you?
Putting the finishing touches on a doll house, this little elf looks like a girl elf to me.
Look at that pretty top, I am sure this is a girl elf finishing the doll house by carefully adding tacks to the roof.
And the biggest jolly elf of them all, of course, in the center, Santa himself! Ho Ho Ho!