Ballerinas Lap Quilts Throws
/Love to stop by and look at these toe shoes at Leach Theatre on S&T Campus, Rolla, Missouri.
Ballerinas Lap Quilts Throws
I don't have my pink toe shoes any more. I don't have some of my knees any more, either, a direct result of too many years trying to make my body do what it is not naturally designed to do as a ballet dancer.
Our teacher was a tall, lean Russian. She carried a walking stick and used it to make sure we understood where our legs were supposed to be for a plie, or a jete. Because I was the tallest in the class, I was always in back and periodically was given a jumping part.
The training served me well. I took to skiing without a fall and can still compensate for a lack of depth perception with the sense of balance ballet has given me. On the other hand, I have worn out my knee joints and will need to replace them at some point so I now happily settle for watching others wear out theirs.
I was looking for a fishing quilt for a summer camp one year when I came across these ballerina lap quilt throws. I didn't hesitate. They are so simple yet elegant, I could see them either on a bed or as a quilted wall hanging in a guest bedroom where someone else would be practicing their dance steps for ours on end.
Have to confess, I loved the fluffy tutus although pink was not my favorite color. I was partial to yellow although because of my brown hair, they usually gave me the pink one.
My years of ballet inspired me to carry these elegant Ballerinas Lap Quilts Throws.
These days I don't meet too many ballet dancers where I live, most young girls are tap dancers, hip hop artists or Irish dancers.
I did meet a young woman at the theatre last week. She was standing in front of the glass case with the toe shoes so I stopped next to her. We smiled at each other. I asked her if she was a ballet dancer and she said yes. I nodded and we looked at the old, worn out toe shoes again and smiled.
We don't tell anyone but yes, those toe shoes do hurt!