Quilt Mystery Solved
/Our Irish Chain quilt ended up with Bill Murray in Super Bowl Jeep commercial! (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)
Quilt Mystery Solved
If you saw my January 21, 2020 posting about a quilt “Windy City Bound,” I now know what production it ended up in. As one of my cats was stepping over my keyboard and freeze-framed the shot, there was the Swirl Irish Chain quilt, keeping Bill Murray warm in Fiat Chrysler Jeep’s Super Bowl commercial.
No doubt about it. Swirl Irish Chain handmade quilt has been in our inventory for many years. I just shipped it to a production company in Chicago. As Bill Murray gleefully gets out of bed reliving Groundhog Day in the commercial, there is the quilt, with its unique quilted swirls in the white fabric blocks.
The production company said they used Swirl Irish Chain quilt because it was almost an exact copy of the handmade quilt in the original Groundhog Day movie.
Just so happens that this Jeep commercial is my all-time Super Bowl commercial so what a treat to know one of our quilts was included.
it’s one of those little life moments, sheer fun!