Winter Twitterings Handmade Quilt
/Winter Twitterings Handmade Quilt from the local quilt show last year. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)
Winter Twitterings Handmade Quilt
Cold, overcast days are keeping me inside these days but I still make it outside to refill bird feeders and to check my garden, even if nothing is blooming or even green.
Listening to the birds in my garden reminded me of this charming "Winter Twitterings” Handmade Quilt from Piece and Plenty’s 2017 bi-annual quilt show. And no, this is not about “tweeting” on a social media platform, this is a reference to the sound birds make.
The overall color scheme of burgundy and cream is elegant and a nice counterpoint to the more whimsical quilt block details.
Two charming embroidered birds in Winter Twitterings Handmade quilt, (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)
Take a look at another block and the cute way Brenda Morton hand-quilted this winter themed quilt. The hand quilting adds some dimension to each of the quilt blocks.
Embroidered birdhouses keep birds company. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)
Every handmade quilt has a story and Winter Twitterings is no exception.
Every quilt has a story. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)
When seen together, this is a charming handmade quilt celebrating birds and winter, something I enjoy watching from the cozy warmth of my own home. Not surprisingly, this quilt also won first prize in the quilt show.
Not surprising, Winter Twitterings quilt won first prize. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)
These days most quilts are machine embroidered so I want to make a special note that this one was not only hand quilted but hand embroidered as well. That’s worthy of a tweet!