Spring Yellow Double Wedding Ring Quilt
/Spring yellows inspired this combination of fabrics for this handmade double wedding ring quilt.
Spring Yellow Double Wedding Ring Quilt
The bright, sunny spring yellows inspired the colors of this handmade double wedding ring quilt. Since spring is the mark of new beginnings, that inspiration seemed appropriate for one of the most popular wedding gifts our customers order, the double wedding ring patchwork patterned quilts.
To make sure this quilt will be more than just pretty to look at, we made it larger than the standard 50x60 throws. This made in Missouri quilt is 65x77 inches, making this yellow double wedding ring quilt perfect for two people to curl up under.
When not in use, yellow double wedding ring quilt throw can easily be folded over the back of a sofa or placed at the foot of a bed.
To add to the nod to new beginnings, we added a rose design inside each one of the rings.
We also added a little tribute to spring in the machine quilting. Each yellow double wedding ring quilt block has a flower design in the center.
Yellow double wedding ring quilt would make a charming spring wedding gift or a nice gift for a golden anniversary. Or just for that special person who likes yellow, like my niece!