Can You Recommend a Good Wildlife Gardening Book?
/These are the topics National Wildlife covers in their book about gardening for four seasons.
"Hi, I'm looking for an interesting gardening book to give to my husband. He loves wildlife and is just getting started gardening. Can you recommend a good gardening book? -- Emily
A Good Wildlife Gardening Book
Hi Emily,
I have just the book for you from National Wildlife. "Wildlife Gardening, Tips for Four Seasons" is an excellent collection of seasonal gardening articles with lovely photographs and topical information.
In addition to the interesting articles, they included side bar columns with tips for gardeners and lovely photographs. I was honored to be asked to include one of my photos in the edition under "gardening for change."
Price is $19.95, making "Wildlife Gardening, Tips for Four Seasons" a lovely gift that will keep on giving. You can purchase the book at the National Wildlife Federation online store.
Let me know what your husband thinks of the book!