Rose of Sharon Bouquets
/This bouquet is from one of the Rose of Sharon trees I trimmed. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)
“Charlotte, I LOVE your idea of trimming Rose of Sharon bushes into trees. I have several to trim. Can I use the flowers in bouquets?” - Marilyn
Rose of Sharon Bouquets
Hi Marilyn, glad you’re going to try to trim Rose of Sharon shrubs into trees. And yes, you can take those branch cuttings and bring them inside for cut flower bouquets. The already-blooming flowers will close and fall off so concentrate on branches with flower buds.
I also save stems with a lot of seed pods to add to outside wreaths, they add a lot of interest to a wreath.
If you have extra cut branches, share with a friend, there’s nothing more cheery than having blooming flowers around.
Let me know how your trimming project goes and have fun!