How to Keep My Roses Fresh?
/This bouquet of red roses is ready for delivery on Valentine's Day at our local florist.
"I received the most beautiful bouquet of roses for Valentine's Day. Is there something I can do to make them last longer and keep them fresh?" -- Peggy
How to Keep My Roses Lasting Long and Fresh
Hi Peggy, there are several things you can do to keep your beautiful red roses fresh:
If they came in a vase, put them where you can enjoy them but keep them away from heat vents and sun. Don't place them on top of TVs or near electronic devices that get warm, the heat will shorten the lifespan of your beautiful flowers.
Some gift red roses are delivered cut in boxes with stems in water in small water containers.
If they were in a box, get a vase and make sure to wash it with hot water and dishwashing detergent, rinse and dry, then fill vase 3/4 full with room temperature water. Add a penny to water to help keep bacteria from growing. I have also used half an aspirin. Most florists also provide floral flood packets. Don't save them, use them!
Measure the first stem against the vase you want to put them in and make them taller since you may be cutting them down several times. Cut the bottom of the stems under room temperature water with sharp pruners or a knife, making a 45-degree angle cut so the stem can take up water. The running water helps the stem take up the water; that helps keep the rose stay saturated.
Also remove all leaves that will be submerged in water.
Add the florist food packet, mix, then add the remaining roses.
Whether already in a vase or you add the flower to a vase, plan on cleaning the vase, replacing the water with fresh, room-temperate water and making fresh stem cuts every 2 days.
On a personal note, keep the flowers where you spend the most of your time so you can enjoy them. Even though they may appear beautiful one day, room conditions may change and speed up their fading process so don't take them for granted. Enjoy!