Happy National Cat Day, October 29, 2016!
/Bob cat, a very shy ragamuffin cat who keeps me company at Bluebird Gardens.
Happy National Cat Day!
"We" like to celebrate this special day at my house, although come to think about it, we do every day, too. Cats, as do most pets, add so much to our lives, from companionship to, in my case, a lot of laughs. No one who lives with a cat is surprised to hear cats are among the top searchable internet topics, the advantage we have is we don't have to search, they find us!
So in honor of this special event, National Dat Day, meet Bob. Bob was a feral I found at a nearby cemetery, all legs and ears and ribs. According to the vet, Bob was days away from death. I settled Bob in a closed off bathroom and tried to feed him for several days but his body rejected any nourishment and he started to loose his will to live.
On the third day, he was able to keep a little baby food down and the long road to recovery started. Today he is a happy, 12 year-old mess of a big cat, around 22 lbs. The vet said he looks like a Rag Doll, a breed developed in 1972 in Kansas City. Turns out Bob is a ragamuffin, a derivative of the breed. He has the large body, paws and sweet personality of the breed although my brother still calls him the badger. By comparison to his 18-year old buddy Margaret, Bob looks twice her size.
And no, I don't call Bob "bobcat." As the vet said, that would be very misleading since there is nothing wild and adventurous about this fur bundle, his favorite pastime is snuggling.
Unfortunately not too many people get to meet, or even see Bob, Bob hides when someone else comes in the house so enjoy this rare sighting and kiss your cat to celebrate their special day. Meow!