Microchip Pets
/My Shirley Honey checking out her microchip card. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)
Microchip Pets
One of the best gifts we can give our pets is to microchip them. Even the ones that live all of the time inside.
Over the years, I have lived with several cats that were decidedly not outside prone. When they heard a dog barking, or met a stranger, they have been known to bolt, sometimes through the closest open door. At times the door led outside.
When an animal is fleeing, they will seek safety first, then take their bearings. Having lost a cat to a new neighborhood, I know how heart breaking it is to not be able to find it.
Microchipping is an excellent way to identify our pets in the event they are lost. It is a quick process and one that will ensure the pet’s return should they get lost. Or disoriented. Doesn’t that give you peace of mind? It does to me.
Your local vet should be able to provide that service.