Custom Personalized Wedding Quilt
/Love this dedication one of our customers asked us to add to a gift quilt. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)
Custom Personalized Wedding Quilt
Over the years, our customers have asked us to custom embroider a number of favorite sayings, poems and Bible verses on double wedding ring quilts and lap quilts. Sometimes they would have us add the couple’s names and wedding date. Once we even added “and they lived happily ever after,” a reference to the traditional end of some fairy tales.
One year we were even asked to embroider several Princess Lap Quilts with the names of the bride’s entourage.
But we all know marriage is hard, possibly the hardest thing we will pursue in our lives. I sometimes run across custom embroidered quilts at estate auctions and sales, the handmade quilt discarded along with the marriage.
When I am asked for recommendations to place on a quilt, I now have a new favorite provided by one of our customers this year. No couple’s names and wedding dates, just this dedication i the center of the quilt:
“And together they built a life together they loved.”
Now wouldn’t that make a better fairy tale ending, too?