Flower Pens
/Silk flowers dressing up pens that can be borrowed at our local post office. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)
Flower Pens
If you’ve ever “borrowed” a pen at a business, you know a percentage of them walk off, either by mistake or deliberately. To try to discourage that disappearing act, some of our local businesses have come up with creative ways to keep the writing pens close. One business taped plastic spoons to their pens; another one had cardboard pieces attached. I prefer what our local post office is doing, taping silk flowers to pens.
The process is relatively simple. You can use any hardy tape you have; in this case they used black electrical tape.
This pen has a silk daffodil taped to it. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)
These fun pens do work, they prevent the pens from walking off at least by mistake.
I also heard one customer was so enamored of the pens, she grabbed a whole bouquet of them and tried to walk out with a handful.
They were successfully recovered.
These flower pens would make great Easter and Mother’s Day gifts, especially when using flowers appropriate for the received. Easter lilies, tulips and daffodils would work well for Easter. For Mother’s Day, pick out Mom’s favorite flowers.
You can find silk flowers and pens at craft stores and big box stores. Usually in the flower department they also have green floral tape, which I am told is not as hardy as electrical tape.
Pick pens that don’t need lids to keep the ink from drying out and you should be all set.
Each post office window offers a nice selection of flower. I mean pens! (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)
I have been lucky enough to be gifted a flower pen or two over the years. I can tell you they definitely made me feel special!