Shipping First Granddaughter Gift
/Shipping First Granddaughter Gift Baby Quilt
There are few things more exciting than hearing a grandfather describe the arrival of his first grandson or, in this case, granddaughter. The excitement, joy, awe - yes, awe, is all in the voice as they describe the child’s name, when she was born, how much she weighed…
Over the years, we have been honored to ship baby crib quilt gift sets to many granddaughters and grandsons, some who we know still have their quilts because we have also spruced a few up over the years.
Although most of our baby crib quilts are custom and unique, we also personalize in a custom unique way. Some people will have us custom embroider just the first name, or the first and middle name. This grandfather chose the later along with the details of the grand arrival: date of birth, weight and height.
And to celebrate the grand occasion, I included a little note to proud grandpa.
These rag baby crib quilts were made in USA. We still have another pink rag baby crib quilt in stock with green accents. Grandpa wanted one that was all pink so that’s what we selected for him.
What wonderful adventures are ahead for both of them!