June Gift Flower: Rose

Bluebird Gardens hybrid tea rose in bud, perfect time to cut it for a gift.

Bluebird Gardens hybrid tea rose in bud, perfect time to cut it for a gift.

June Gift Flower: Rose

It's so easy not to appreciate what it takes to grow a rose when one can pick up a dozen roses at the floral section of the local grocery store. Growing roses, however, is not easy, especially in Missouri. Our almost non-existent soil and variable weather conditions can stress the old-fashioned roses to the point of not flowering. 

Roses have been a traditional gift for as long as gifts have been given. Considered an edible herb, roses have been hybridized into a variety of forms including the perpetually-blooming Knockout roses, popular today in landscapes. 

When I think of gift roses, I think of hybrid tea roses, those long-stemmed, single budding flowers often associated with gift bouquets at dance recitals and sports events. During the Victorian Era, roses of various colors represented messages: white rose for peace, yellow rose for friendship and red roses for love.

Growing hybrid tea roses takes a little extra care, mulch, and patience. Since roses are June's gift flower, a reminder to pick it in bud form so the person receiving it can enjoy the petals unfolding.

Bluebird Gardens hybrid tea rose now in bloom.

Bluebird Gardens hybrid tea rose now in bloom.

And when they ask, did you grow this yourself? You can smile and proudly say, yes, I did. Enjoy!
