Lilac Bouquets
/Bouquet of fresh-cut lilacs now in my den. (Charlotte Ekker Wiggins ph
Lilac Bouquets
One of my favorite spring flowers are often overlooked for home decor. That’s a shame because old-fashioned lilacs have a lovely scent that can easily fill a room and, with a little trick, can be long-lasting cut flowers.
The trick to using lilacs in flower vases is how you cut them.
With most flowers, a clean bottom cut will ensure that water gets into the flower and keeps them fresh longer.
I use clippers to carefully make two vertical cuts at the woody stem bottom. (Charlotte Ekker Wiggins photo)
The same principle works for lilacs only you also have to make a vertical cut at the stem bottom. The extra one or two vertical cuts provides a wider surface for water uptake, giving the lovely cut flowers a longer life in a vase.
Select lilac flowers still budding for long lasting cut flowers. (Charlotte Ekker Wiggins photo)
Also cut the lilac flowers when they are still in bud and starting to open.
Finally don’t place flower vases full of lilacs close to warm spots like vents, televisions and sunny windows. Keep your flower base full of lilacs in a cool shady spot and you will enjoy the lovely scent for several days.
Now that the lilacs have bloomed, iris and peonies should be blooming next.