Get Ready for Holidays
/Ship gift packages a good three weeks earlier this year. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)
Get Ready for Holidays
Everywhere one looks, the predictions are that this is going to be a tough holiday if one doesn’t plan ahead. And by ahead I don’t mean calling us typically on December 15 and asking for gifts to be delivered by December 25. Although we have assisted in the past I can tell you now this year that just won’t be possible. Our shipping carriers have already notified us of planned delays as well as increased shipping prices. Your best bet is to plan ahead.
Here are some tips on how to get ready for the holidays:
Think three gifts. Gift-giving is a holiday tradition but it may be more challenging this year because of supply shortages and delivery issues. A friend started her family tradition by giving three gifts per person inspired by the Three Wise Men who visited Jesus Christ in Bethlehem. One gift is practical; one gift is spiritual and one gift is a secret desire of some sort. Half the fun is planning each gift.
Plan on back ups. Because inventory will be in short supply, plan on backup gifts if your first choices are not currently available. Chances are hight that if the item is out of stock it won’t be available this holiday season.
Shop online early. From short inventory to delays in shipping, if you want to increase your chances of getting the gift items you want for the December holidays, order them no later than November 1.
Enlist family members to help you find, or make, items. I enjoy treasure hunts but only if I have time to do the hunting.
Think quilts. If there ever was a time we all need comfort, this is one of those times. Quilts not only provide comfort and warmth but they help to quickly update any room decor by turning into a wall hanging. I like Twelve Good Wishes Quilt and Wall Hanging.
Plan events together. After the COVID 2020 quarantine and the ongoing worldwide pandemic, just being with friends and family is a gift all of its own. Instead of focusing on gifts, plan events where you can safely share time with family and friends.
No custom orders. We usually close off custom orders by September 15 to ensure we get all of the holiday gifts made and delivered in plenty of time. This year we cut off custom orders September 1 and are still working on wrapping up orders for this year. If you want something custom, start planning for 2022 and plan on at least 3 months from when all of the details are finalized and in hand. Paying extra will not speed up the process; our items are handmade and we maintain a high level of quality and craftsmanship.
Ship by November 15. If you are sending gifts through the mail, plan on shipping a good three weeks earlier than you usually do. I am setting November 15 as the personal deadline to get any gift packages shipped this year. The shortage of drivers and the usual higher shipping volume this time of year makes deliveries challenging. Take the pressure off of you, and the delivery services, by shipping early.