Extending the Bouquet
/extend a small bouquet by gathering flowers of the same and similar colors. (charlotte ekker wiggins photo)
Extending the Bouquet
Sometimes our gardens don’t have much blooming but we still want to bring flesh flowers inside. Or need a bouquet to give and cheer someone.
One option is to gather flowers of the same color. Even if you only have one geranium, one vinca and one rose, for example, together then can make a lovely tiny bouquet. Having the flowers in the same color make them look cohesive.
The key is to have small vases that look full with only a few flowers.
If you already have flowers in a vase and need to refresh it, compost the faded flowers and replace with a couple of stems out of your garden. Re-cut all of the flower stems and replace the vase water.
If you don’t have cats that like to munch on greenery, remove spent flowers and add garden greenery such as Liriope, also called Monkey Grass, leaves.
Having fresh flowers around uplift spirits so don’t overlook enjoying only a handful in a small vase.