Pruned Flowers Bouquet
/This bouquet is made up of flowers that were pruned. (Charlotte Ekker Wiggins photo)
Pruned Flowers Bouquet
Most of us think of cutting fresh flowers for a bouquet but have you considered using the flowers you deadhead or otherwise pruned?
As you trim your flowering bushes and potted plants, save those with flower buds, flowers and even flower seed heads to include in a bouquet or two of cut flowers for home decor.
This little bouquet was made from flowers I trimmed off of geraniums and vinca potted bushes. They were getting too lanky so needed to be trimmed back to grow bushier.
The red roses were trimmed from a discarded climbing rose branch.
And the light pink vincas were from another bouquet that was destined for composting until I realized I could add them to this flower grouping.
To best group these flowers together, find a flower vase that accommodates the shortest stem and then cut the rest to match. Cutting the stems also gives the flowers a fresh stem for taking up water.
By themselves they were not exciting but grouped together these discards make a lovely splash of color in my den.
And imagine making a bouquet of plant trimmings for someone who may be in the hospital or otherwise away from their favorite garden!