Small Christmas Trees
/This tiny gift Christmas tree came in a 3” box; the fun is now finding ornaments. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)
Small Christmas Trees
There is no reason why you have to break the bank, or your back, to have a Christmas tree. Whether you don’t have space, or time, or money, for a standard-sized Christmas tree, you can still have the sentiment that goes with having a Christmas tree by choosing a tiny one.
For many decades I decorated for Christmas with large, people-height Christmas trees. Then for a few years I spent the holidays at hospitals with sick family members. When I was back home during the holidays, I found myself enjoying the 5 minutes - well, make that 10 minutes counting locating them - it took to find my tiny Christmas trees.
Trees have special meaning. From the beauty of the Tree of Life to the simplicity of snow-covered Cedar trees, trees are an easy way to bring nature inside.
This tiny Christmas tree has kept me company for many years. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)
Tiny Christmas trees don’t take up a lot of storage, or display room; can easily be located and re-located, around the house, and once you have them decorated, you don’t need to take the decorations off.
Are you re-thinking your Christmas tree yet?
You can have lights on tiny Christmas trees, these are battery-operated bee lights. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)
People now are downsizing. The younger generations are not wanting to accumulate as much “stuff” so this approach helps keep the holiday spirit without needing a storage locker.
With current lighting options, you can also give your tiny Christmas tree a glow. The tiny tree in the photos has a string of battery-operated lights with bees.
In terms of ornaments, they can be challenging to find. But without putting pressure on myself, I enjoyed the hunt for the tiny tree decorations. Keeping an eye out at thrift stores and antique malls one can find the smaller ornaments, especially during off season.
My latest project is the small Christmas tree from a friend at the top of this post. The tree will keep us company in the den, assuming the cats don’t remove the ornaments as toys.
Now sometimes we don’t have time for a tree, even a tiny one. Here’s a simple option I’ve also used a couple of years when I just didn’t do much holiday decorating. Find a card, or image, that means something to you and frame it.
Framing a lovely favorite Christmas tree image also works. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)
For some years, this little framed Christmas tree was the only holiday decorating I set up.
A decorative tin with a Christmas tree can be multi-purpose. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)
Look for tins for holiday ornament storage and you can also repurpose it for easy home decor.
Remember it’s not how much you add to your holiday decor but the reason for the season.