Painted Wall Paintings
/Painted all scenes on a concrete block wall at Missouri Baptist Hospital in Sullivan, Missouri.
Painted Wall Paintings
I love to turn original artwork into quilts and these painted wall scenes at Missouri Baptist Hospital In Sullivan, Missouri looked just like a giant version of one of our custom artwork quilts!
It's hard to tell from a distance but these were painted on concrete blocks. The blocks are easier to see in the close ups of the painted scenes.
There was no explanation of how they painted these where I was sitting but I imagine they needed scaffolding to reach the higher areas of the wall.
Love the squirrel waiting patiently at the bottom of the hill!
The kids must have had a blast getting the design on the wall, then filling them in with colors.
Although these look small, look at where the concrete block lines are in each of the scenes.
And each scene is a story all of its own.
My, those are very tiny flowers and people!
There were about two dozen different scenes in all, representing the four seasons. It was hard to pick my favorites so I concentrated on photographing the ones closest to my window.
Snowball fight!
This gives a new meaning to wall art. What a lovely way to wait in a hospital, it takes one's mind off the more worrisome thoughts!