Cat Tails Wooden Chair
/Wooden chair with carved cat tails on the back beckons visitors to take a load off!
Cat Tails Wooden Chair
I was visiting a friend in St. James, Missouri and was invited to sit in this lovely Cat Tails Wooden Chair.
I have a whimsical display in my garden of cat bowling ball heads on one side, cat tails on the other. I love cats so the displays make me smile every time I walk by that area, and this chair reminded me of those feline moments.
The chair itself was simply-designed. The chair backing was where the design took over, cat tails cut into the wood with long stems.
For our woodworking friends, a closer look at those cat tails, they look relatively easy to make.
I have several woodworking friends who look for ideas. Wouldn't this make a cute design on a wooden box top?