Pumpkin Lady
/My pumpkin lady greeting visitors to my fall front door. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)
Pumpkin Lady
There something about the changing of the seasons from summer to fall. This year people are jumping straight to halloween decor but I like to enjoy the fall colors first.
One of my very talented friends who likes to make rustic decor gave me this pumpkin lady, a lady’s head on a stick that fits right next to the long pumpkin.
At first I thought she was also going straight to Halloween with her eyeless face. Halloween is part of fake scaring I don’t particularly enjoy, life is scary enough as it is but I can get into the spirit - so to speak.
I found a good spot for the pumpkin lady and her pumpkin retinue, by my front door.
This was my pumpkin lady originally, without eyes. Gave her a Halloween vibe, didn’t it. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)
After sitting next to the eyeless pumpkin lady for a couple of days, I decided I need to make a change.
With the help of a black magic marker ,I gave her some friendliness in the form of pupils. Such a simple change but makes a difference, doesn’t it.
I carefully marked, then filled in some eyes to make her friendlier. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)
With some dry bittersweet to fill in the space around her, the pumpkin lady is now giving visitors a nice welcome as they approach my front door.
Dried bittersweet keeps the pumpkin pile, and pumpkin lady, company. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)
The dry bittersweet helps keep the handmade head over the long, gooseneck pumpkin body.
I may add a couple of little flying ghosts once I am ready for Halloween, then back to the pumpkins for a Thanksgiving theme.
I may need to make her a little scarf and hood if she’s going to spend winter outside, maybe add a little Christmas tree in place of the bittersweet. Or a train engine in Christmas colors.
Did I mention I like to keep my home decor easy and flexible?