Bouquet of Daffodils
/Daffodils blooming on my Missouri hillside at Bluebird Gardens.
Bouquet of Daffodils
One of the most wonderful bouquets of flowers to add to your home decor is a bouquet of daffodils. Yes, the very same spring-blooming flowers you can grow in your garden from bulbs you plant in the fall.
These wonderfully hardy perennial bulbs will bloom repeatedly year after year once settled in. They will also expand and give you more flowers if you let them go to seed. And because they give off an unpleasant toxic, they are not nibbled on by deer and other wildlife.
What Stage of Flower to Pick
If you want the inside flowers to last longer, pick the flowers when they are still in bud form.
If you want them for a table decorating that evening, then pick the flowers already open.
I wanted a little vase of daffodils to brighten a corner of my den before having a meeting so I picked this handful early morning using a pair of my gardening clippers and cutting the stems close to the bottom.
My picked daffodil bouquet, ready to take inside.
Once inside, I added them to a flower vase with room temperature water, let them sit for a few minutes, then changed the water one more time and set them in water again, in the vase, their final spot next to my little bee gourd.
A daffodil bouquet fully open like this should last a good 3-5 days, depending on how old the flowers are. In this bouquet, the more yellow-cupped daffodils are younger so they will last longer than the ones that have turned all white.
Daffodil bouquet inside, keeping my little bee gourd company where I can see both of them!
Scientists have proven than having flowers around us is a mood-booster so go ahead, go pick yourself a bouquet of whatever you have blooming in your garden!