Spring Flowers Bouquet
/My spring flowers bouquet on my den coffee table. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)
Spring Flowers Bouquet
It’s easy to think that a flower bouquet has to be carefully coordinated and immaculate so let me suggest another option. Welcome to my den and, more particularly, to the flower vase I keep filled on my den coffee table.
One of the ways to enjoy spring is to bring some of the flowers inside. Instead of cutting a whole bouquet at once, start with a few flowers and keep adding. Change the water every day or every other day, make a new cut at the bottom of the flower stem and remove whatever is starting to fade.
To add flowers, one would need to take a walk in the garden, preferably in the morning with flower snips to easily cut off a couple of flowers. Maybe even stop and admire them on the plant as you decide whether you want to cut them or not. Look at what may be visiting the flowers and what they are doing. Most flowers should have visitors on them this time of year.
I sometimes also take a jar with water so I can quickly add the cut flowers to water as I take them inside because I know I may get distracted. If you know you will make a quick trip around the garden then no need to take a jar with water, you are going to take them straight back to your kitchen and to your own flower vase.
In this bouquet, I started with two yellow roses still in bud form. I added the coral roses a couple of days later followed by three ox-eye daisies, one of my favorite Missouri native wildflowers.
Today I added beards tongue, another white Missouri wildflower, and the purple self heal, a particularly favorite native Missouri wildflower in the mint family.
Well, yes, I tend to have a lot of favorite flowers, wild or not.
I passed up several patches of self heal close to my hives; I didn’t want to deprive my bees of a potential source of nectar and pollen. As thunder rolled overhead, however, I decided the bees would be safe inside their hives and wouldn’t miss if I took a couple of flowers to enjoy.
Ah, there’s also one sprig of midnight blue Salvia I found already cut in the garden. Not sure what did that but the salvia is now spending a few more days in bloom, even if it is inside.
Two more flowers added to my coffee table flower bouquet. (Photo by Charlotte Ekker Wiggins)
If your rose petals start going brown around the edges, do what florists do and carefully remove them. The flowers should be fine for several more days.
I just added another couple of flowers to the bouquet, can you tell what they are?
(Hint: bright yellow coreopsis, just starting to bloom this afternoon)