Squirrelly Fall Home Decor
/real acorns picked up on walks join my squirrel salt and pepper shakers. (charlotte Ekker Wiggins photo)
Squirrelly Fall Home Deco
Fall has definitely arrived where I live in mid-Missouri, days of sunny weather and cool evenings, perfect for walks.
On one of the early fall walks, I noticed acorns starting to fall. There’s an Ozark saying that one can predict winter by the number of acorns falling. The more acorns, the worse the winter.
Regardless of the Ozark tradition, every fall I do have acorns falling from my resident oak trees. I enjoy looking at their shape and size, and I’m periodically tempted to think about what I can make out of the dried tree seeds.
To be inspired, I took one acorn home and added it to my fall squirrels salt and pepper shakers that greet me walking into my kitchen. I use salt and pepper shakers to easily mark and celebrate the different seasons. A few more acorns are now there, picked up during more walks.
The little vignette is easy to set up; I added a yellow mum stem that broke off in my garden. It doesn’t take up much space and it will soon make way for another salt and pepper shaker set to mark the US’s Thanksgiving tradition.
It does take a little time to find the salt and pepper shakers but that’s part of the fun. I’m still looking for something to mark Halloween.
So think small for decor. Salt and pepper shakers don’t take up a lot of space, are easy to change and still provide a mark of time passing.