Surprise Lilies Bouquet
/Burgundy vinca flowers add a pop of color to this surprise lily bouquet. (Charlotte Ekker Wiggins photo)
Surprise Lilies Bouquet
Fresh flowers are the easiest way to update a home. In mid-summer where I live, one of my favorite flowers makes an appearance: surprise lilies.
Surprise lilies, also called Resurrection Lilies, are North American cousins of the tropical Amaryllis popular around the holidays.
Surprise lilies are perennials. Once planted, they return every year until the bulbs grown too thick. Then the bulbs need to be dug up and divided.
Surprise lilies pop up mid-summer without leaves. (Charlotte Ekker Wiggins photo)
I plant surprise lilies along paths and in unexpected garden spots so they surprise me, too.
Native pink phlox with surprise lilies in a gift bouquet. (Charlotte Ekker Wiggins photo)
About the same time as surprise lilies bloom, native pink phlox are also in bloom, a lovely combination in a vase.
I also look for inspiration on my deck and found dark pink Vinca in bloom. You can also add a variety of other flowers to add a pop of color.
Surprise lilies will last a good 2 weeks in a flower vase. Pick them when they are still in bud to get longer vase life.