Green Leaves Quilted Table Runner
/Love the way these patchwork leaves look like they are falling, don't you?
Green Leaves Quilted Table Runner
This time of year in Missouri, it's hard to find green leaves. Most trees have turned color so their fall leaves a range of yellow, peach, red and brown with only a dash of green cedars tossed in for contrast.
This table runner reminded me of the fall leaves quilt we have, only the leaves in the table runner have a wonderful shadowing effect that suggests the fall.
Here are the leaves in the fall leaves handmade quilt:
This is a basic patchwork leaf pattern without the shadow effect.
Green Leaves Quilted Table Runner would be nice to have as a reminder that green colors will soon be back.
Well, maybe not so soon, it will be next spring but I have enough plants inside over winter to keep my environment green until the outside "greens up" as well.
The quilted table runner was entered in the 2017 Piece and Plenty Quilt Guild Show held October 7-8, 2017 in Rolla, Missouri. The quilt show is held every other year.
Making table runners is a good way to practice new quilting techniques.
When I first learned to quilt, we use to make our practice quilt blocks into pot holders, throw pillows and even skirt pockets. These days, table runners are a popular home decor item to make, especially by beginning quilters. They use up only a few blocks and give the quilter experience working the patterns before they tackle a larger project like a throw or full-size bed quilt.